Course Timeline

Pre-Program Company Valuation

This tool provides corporate leadership insights regarding key value drivers of the company and determines a preliminary estimate of the company value. The valuation incorporates the following characteristics of the business:

  • Economics of the business
  • Barriers of entry
  • Competitive condition within the industry
  • Competitive advantages

We then tie these attributes to the three critical levels of value: cash flows, growth, and risk. Once we implement the value measurement tool, the company is able to evaluate the primary drivers of value and the impact of the daiis program.

Decision Making

Month 1 - Month 2

Most employees have not been exposed to advances in decision-making research introduced over the past twenty years. Poor decisions are made every day that are guided by cognitive biases. Using a practical approach, informed by updated decision-making knowledge, we open a new level of awareness about how we make decisions. We understand better how to improve our ability to identify poor judgment in ourselves and others and provide decision-making applicable frameworks and tools for the future. Better decision-making translates into stronger corporate results and value.

Financial Fitness

Month 2 - Month 3

We live in a complicated world where a heightened awareness of financial matters helps build greater confidence and value.

We teach participants to understand the fundamentals of value creation at your company, thus facilitating decision-making that drives company growth. In addition, we provide sound financial fundamentals that are applicable at the corporate and personal levels. Understanding counting, saving, and compounding enable wiser financial decisions.

Participants learn about what matters for sound corporate and personal financial fitness. Small group exercises provide practical application that reinforces the learning of key concepts.


Month 3 - Month 4

The concept of what makes a leader is changing. Those leaders who hold the team with confidence and shared responsibility become the most successful. Core abilities such as self-reflection, self-awareness of one’s actions, and the flexibility to adapt to change must be learned in an experimental environment such as daiis.

We create a culture of learning by maximizing the success of each individual and creating a new web of team building.

Emotional Intelligence

Month 4 - Month 5

The success of any organization rests with its ability to communicate effectively, cooperate with enthusiasm, and collaborate to increase value. Our participants are challenged to understand their relative self-awareness, social awareness, and how they may change these characteristics. Emotional Intelligence introduces learners to the factors that drive and motivate.
Finally, they become more familiar with how to manage their stress and self-regard. The EI module incorporates a large amount of fun and helpful group exercises to amplify the learning process.


Month 5 - Month 6

Ethical leaders make more effective business decisions and create enhanced value for corporations. Due to changes in society and educational system over the past forty years, the study of ethics has been devalued or eliminated from many curriculums.
daiis creates the foundation for a broad understanding of ethics in the workplace, and guidance for corporate culture, governance, and growth. Participants gain from interactive exercises that demonstrate the critical nature and need for a solid corporate ethical foundation.

Post-Program Valuation

Within 90 days of completion of daiis, in conjunction with company leaders, we will update the value measurement tool with information and insights gathered during the program. In addition, we will include recommendations for follow-up implementation actions. These actions facilitate long-term alignment of incentives for the company and employee and thus drive value creation.

Please note: further development and support of implementation actions and value measurement refinements are available as an additional service.

Time Investment

Pre-Program Evaluation6 Hours

Decision-Making12 Hours

Financial Fitness12 Hours

Leadership8 Hours

Emotional Intelligence10 Hours

Ethics12 Hours

Post-Program Evaluation6 Hours

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